2 Timothy 1:7 (NASB95) For God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline. Remember, We are overcomers because God’s got this and that is real.
Serving as Chudrch Elders, Grace and Peace, to you, our church family. -
Pastor Ricardo, Elder Dave Kaczynksi, and Agustin Rodriguez
You can donate to our church by using any of the following mail-in addresses or donation links provided. Support our church today to help bring "A Bridge to God for All People".
We accept any type of donation that will help our community. Please contact us at anytime with questions on how you can help our fellowship.
Your donation may be tax-deductible. Contact your tax professional for more information.
The village of Bensenville wants us to install two safe-guards: a hand-rails and barrier, plus ‘4 window guards. These were not in the original bid. I’m still working on bids for the additional work, but tentatively it could cost $5,000. If you can help, put a little extra in your offerings and mark the extra for ‘construction extra’.
Mail to:
Bensenville Bible Church
280 S. York Rd
Bensenville, IL 60106
Mail to Church Treasurer:
Sheila Kaczynski
17W635 Butterfield Rd, STE 140,
Oakbrook Terrace, IL 60181
Zelle App
Recipient name: Bensenville Bible Church